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Hi-5 Bee Dance Song & More | Dance Songs for Kids | Hi-5 Season 16

Duration: 01:37:50Views: 40.4KLikes: 188Date Created: Mar, 2022

Channel: Hi-5 World

Category: Entertainment

Tags: bee dance songkids songshi5 songshi-5 five senseskids showchildrens videoshi-5 songschildren's songsdance songshi5hi-5hi-5 worldfive senseshi-5 bee dance songkidshi-5 bee dancehi-5 dance songs for kidsfive senses song for childrenhi 5hi 5 dance songsdance songs for kidsfive senses songbest of hi-5 season 16hi5 official tvkids songhi-5 season 11children songsfull episodesbee dancehi-5 season 16

Description: Tune in and move your feet to this Bee Dance Song by Hi-5 World. Keep watching the video for more dance songs for kids and the best of Hi-5 season 16. ➤ Subscribe to our channel for lot more fun shows bit.ly/3CjeToV ➤ Lyrics: Come on all you animals of land and sea From the jungles and the rivers and high above the trees We're having a party, an animal party So come on and dance with everybody. Everybody, everybody Everybody dance! The animal dance, animal dance Like there's ants in your pants, ants in your pants Like there's wings on your feet and there's wings on your hands We're bouncing and bumping, this party is really jumping When we animal dance, animal dance Animal dance, animal dance. Magnificent meerkats popping and laughing Frogs and kangaroos are jumping and hopping Elephants stomp and wave those trunks Hippos rumba and do the bop. Everybody, everybody Everybody dance! The animal dance, animal dance Like there's ants in your pants, ants in your pants Like there's wings on your feet and there's wings on your hands We're bouncing and bumping, this party is really jumping When we animal dance, animal dance Animal dance, animal dance. Monkeys swing and shake that tail Lions and tigers roar and wail Fish and dolphins do the swim Everybody do the animal thing. The animal dance, animal dance Like there's ants in your pants, ants in your pants Like there's wings on your feet and there's wings on your hands We're bouncing and bumping, this party is really jumping When we animal dance, animal dance Animal dance, animal dance Animal dance, animal dance Animal dance, animal dance. ➤ Listen to the Best collection on Hi-5 Songs: goo.gl/k3Fv2k ➤ Watch the Best Episodes of Hi5: goo.gl/ieMgqu ➤ About Hi-5 Tv Series: Explore the power of the imagination with Hi-5. A dynamic program filled with positivity, involving entertainment grounded in the energetic world of the preschool child. Through its catchy music and joyful exploration of dance and movement, Hi-5 encourages all children to enjoy being physically active while learning!! ➤ Follow us on Social Media 📲 ►FACEBOOK: facebook.com/hi5official ►TWITTER: twitter.com/hi5world ►INSTAGRAM: instagram.com/hi5world #Hi5 #Hi5World #Hi5Songs #Hi5Official #Hi5World #KidsSongs #SongsForChildren

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